Reframe. Recharge. Reignite. Coaching Program

A program created to support and empower our clients around their health to make step-by-step, easily integrated food and lifestyle choices.

AED 4,200

You will get…

6 Private Coaching Sessions

Tailored for you with a certified holistic health coach.

12 Weeks of WhatsApp

To discover how to nourish, heal, and thrive in all aspects of your life.

SoCelery Organic Celery Juice Bottle 500ml

30-Days SOCELERY Cleanse Up

Included in your coaching program to give you a full experience of celery juice goodness.

AED 4,200

This program is based on 3 concepts

Primary Food

What nourishes you off your plate.

Secondary Food

The actual food you eat.

Bio individuality

How you are unique.

AED 4,200

We will identify together your health goals by…


figure out what you truly want to accomplish long-term for yourself and maybe even your family & friends.


understand how you may be getting in your own way of reaching these goals and indentify the root of challenges you are struggling with.


learn how to permanently reach your goals by implementing new habits and be more mindful of your everyday life in honoring your bio individuality.

AED 4,200

Our Happy Clients

Mina, 35, France

“En 6 mois j’ai retrouvé mon énergie et je me sens plus responsable de mes choix et de ma vie et j’ai retrouvé l’espoir/ motivation que j’avais perdu.”

Loubna, 30, Morocco

“Je recommande son programme à toute personne souhaitant être plus heureux, tout simplement!”

Maeva. 35, France

“Merci je pense souvent à toi lorsque je fais des efforts supplémentaires en me disant Clémence serait fière !! ;-)”

Amanda, 42, Morocco

“The biggest tangible change I have noticed since starting the program is weight loss and I feel more comfortable with my food intake.“

Elife, 32, France

“Son programme encadré pendant plusieurs mois, m’a aidé à améliorer mon alimentation, mon physique, ainsi que ma vie de tous les jours.”